Ingredients: This formula contains calcium-rich herbs that calm an overexcited nervous system, promote relaxation, decrease seizures, and treat hypertension. It contains Suan Zao Ren and Xie Cao which help decrease anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Ren Shen is one of the strongest natural steroidal type anti-inflammatories available and it is effective in producing a sense of calmness and relaxation.
Administration Guidelines: Twice daily for your cat or dog. For severe cases use three times a day. Dosage is dependent on the weight of your pet. For cats, start with the lowest dose.
< 10lbs.25-.5ml10-25lbs.5-1ml25-50lbs1-1.5ml50-75lbs1.5-2.5ml75-100lbs2.5-3.5ml>100lbs3.5-5ml
Symptom relief is usually within 25-45 minutes producing effects that last 4-6 hours. For Seizures, it is recommended to give 2-3 doses per day. You may also need to increase dosage at times of higher stress.