Pet Nutrition & Health Blog

Dental & Teeth Cleaning Tips for Your Pet

Dental & Teeth Cleaning Tips for Your Pet Interestingly enough, from the information I can find, it appears that Pet Dental Month is sponsored (maybe created) by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). According to Dr. Douglas Aspros, president of the AVMA, “Dental health problems are extremely common, and many are very painful and can lead to serious systemic conditions. I remind pet owners that an untreated dental infection can spread to the heart, kidneys and other organs, and suddenly become life threatening.” As in any extreme case, anything is possible but I know there are several natural remedies to help combat getting to a stage where it is life threatening.

The Best Toys For Your Dog or Cat

The Best Toys For Your Dog or Cat Toys are an essential part of interacting with your dog or cat. Activities with a fun toy are great exercises for the animal, both physically and mentally. This exercise will contribute to your pet cat or dog's good health. Playtime with your pet will encourage the animal to interact more with you, and it will strengthen the bond between you two.

To Vaccinate or Not

To Vaccinate or Not It may be very hard to hear but vaccinations never give you true immunity. Yes, they do build antibodies, but the actual virus or disease will morph differently in each person/animal/host. The vaccines our pets and we receive are never formulated exactly for us individually.

The Green Alternative - An Herbal Supplement with loads of Antioxidants

The Green Alternative - An Herbal Supplement with loads of Antioxidants Green Alternative offers a synergistic balance of CERTIFIED ORGANIC HERBS and spirulina in a great tasting formula that is designed to compliment the natural diets of dogs and cats. When added to your companion’s home-prepared or premium natural pet food, this formula provides added measures of systemic support in a food-like form that the body can freely digest and utilize. Unlike high-potency vitamin supplements that may provide more nutrients than the body can utilize, Organic Green Alternative will not place an added burden upon the liver, kidneys and digestive system.