Pet Nutrition & Health Blog

Benefits Of CBD Hemp Oil For Your Pet

Benefits Of CBD Hemp Oil For Your Pet

CBD hemp oil is different than traditional or medical marijuana because it is derived from hemp plants that are low in THC. CBD is believed to help with inflammation in addition to providing natural pain relief. It also has many other therapeutic effects.

Calm Nerves & Anxiety

Calm Nerves & Anxiety

The world in which we reside is getting increasingly stressful, and not just for us but for our pets, too. With this past Fourth of July some pets that have never seemed to mind the loud bangs of the fireworks are suddenly shaken. We find the most frustrating part of having an anxious animal on your hands is that they are often quite misunderstood. With some simple supplements you can help them recover from a bout of anxiousness and even prevent future outbreaks by bringing the brain back to its optimal functionality.